• No, our classes are only safe and fun for children ages 6-12.

  • No, our classes are only safe and fun for ages 6-12.

  • -Yoga mat


    -Hair tie

  • We recommend hanging around just a bit for their first class to see how magical our studio is! However, we find students thrive much more in class without their parents watching. We also have no lobby so there is no where to sit. There are plenty of fun things to do in the shopping centers nearby to enjoy your break! :)

  • Please be at the studio ready to take your child home when class is over. We have an adult class right after and cannot provide childcare :)

  • -Full length leggings

    -Full length T-shirt that covers their armpits and lower back

    -Any sequin or bedazzles will rip our hammocks and cause injury, so please only dress your children in sportswear :)

  • Of course! As long as they are age 6-12- don’t let the pink fool you! :)

  • Our studio address is 18502 Beach Blvd #112 Huntington Beach CA 92648. We have large signs and window decals with bright pink photos of aerialists on both entrances to our building which can be seen from Beach Blvd.

    The parking garage technically has different address, 18504 Beach Blvd but is on the same lot. The retail parking lot is closest to our front door, which can be seen from the parking lot.

    We have twice as many spots as we need, and a private parking attendant to monitor our parking lot and to help our guests.

    Some people also find it convenient to park right next door, where there are hundreds of empty spots due to not having tenants.

  • Yes! They get their own hammock for the entire class. While most studios have students share the hammocks and take turns, our classes are a flow and they’ll get a full hour with your hammock.